16 abr 2012

Cuando tu idolo te da un consejo de como tocar el bajo, es epic

Chris; as you once said on Twitter that your favourite instrument was the drums, I am a bass player too and happened to me the same thing, I started as a drummer but I suck. So I decided to play the bass. The question is: How much do you enjoy playing the bass? How many daily hours do you expend playing?
I spent a lot of hours per day when I started. just playing each note on each string. every fret. using all 4 of my fingers. to stretch them out. I like playing bass. but I also like playing drums, guitars, any instrument really.

Que buena onda es tener un idolo asi loco. SOS GENIAL CHABON, ojala pudiera tocar el bajo un cuarto de como lo haces vos. 
Gracias a dios, vengo haciendo eso desde hace ocho meses maso menos. Digo, de practicar asi.